Valuedo Capital GmbH
Managing Director: Nikolaus Schmidinger
Opernring 1, E/520 1010 Vienna
Commercial register number: FN587084i Commercial register: Vienna
Legal form: Limited liability company
Trade/Object of the company:
Commercial investment advice with the authorizations according to § 1 Z 44 WAG 2018 as a contractually bound agent without mediation of life and accident insurance in the form
Insurance brokers and consultants in insurance matters
Valuedo Capital GmbH provides investment services relating to investment brokerage and investment advice on financial instruments as a contractually bound agent in accordance with Section 36 WAG 2018 exclusively on account and in the name of the investment firm Omicron Investment Management GmbH Opernring 1, E/520 1010 Vienna. This is liable for the actions and omissions of Valuedo Capital GmbH as its vicarious agent according to § 1313a ABGB. Valuedo Capital GmbH is entered in the public register of the Financial Market Authority as a contractually bound agent.
03/09/2021, update 12/30/2022: Disclosures in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (Disclosure Regulation) [DownloadPDF]