Stocks - Dividends - Options
The ValueDO Fund is an Austrian equity fund (UCITS) that follows the value strategy and serves as an investment for long-term investors. It is based on the combination of good, attractively valued companies with high dividend yields or growth rates and the use of options to generate additional cashflow. By investing in selected global companies, active risk management aims to reduce fluctuations in value. The fund benefits from a variable equity risk ratio, with the aim of achieving equity-like returns with lower volatility.
An option entitles the buyer to buy or sell (long position) a specific quantity of a specific underlying asset at a specified time or within a specified period and at a price specified in advance (strike price) in exchange for payment of a premium (option premium). However, the buyer is not obliged to make use of his right. As the holder of the option, he can also let it expire worthless. On the other hand, the seller of an option (writer) is obliged to buy or sell the underlying asset (short position) if the buyer exercises his option. (Source Vienna Stock Exchange)
Performance R-tranche
Calculation of the quarterly performance of the R tranche since inception on August 3, 2022. Past developments are not reliable indicators of future performance. For more information, see the download links on the right. Source: Bloomberg
Nikolaus Schmidinger
Nikolaus Schmidinger has extensive capital market expertise and is the fund manager with ultimate responsibility for the ValueDo Fund at Omicron Investment Management GmbH. Due to his many years of experience in the investment sector and his in-depth understanding of the markets, he is able to focus the fund's portfolio on growth potential and solid fundamentals.